Barbara Isaacs – Director of National Strategies

MA, BA, Adv. Mont. Dip.

Barbara joined the newly established MCI in 1998 after training Montessori teachers both at Montessori St. Nicholas and London Montessori Centre.  She was also a proprietor of Seedlings Montessori Nursery in Oxfordshire for fifteen years. She is the Academic Director for the Montessori Centre International and the Senior Accreditation officer for the Montessori Accreditation and Evaluation Board. She has also authored books on the Montessori approach.

Public lecture on Independence by Barbara Isaacs

Public lecture on Independence by Barbara Isaacs

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Barbara will be at SEGi College Subang Jaya on Saturday 3 Oct 2015 for a free public lecture on the topic of “Independence”. The one hour talk is at 10am. Following the talk, SEGi Montessori alumni are invited to share with Barbara how their practice has been transformed following their study on the International Diploma in Montessori Pedagogy.

This will be a great opportunity for the Montessori community to exchange ideas on what we believe to be our best practices.

Pls contact Carolyn at 013-3508598 to confirm your participation. Invite your friends as well.