Students answering questions on material description in the exams must always be child centred. In your description of the material, focus on what the child does with the material. Move on then to discuss the benefit of such a learning experience.

For example, in describing the large moveable alphabet, the focus will be on the word building activity. Describe how the child listens to the sounds in the word, finds the corresponding letters of the large moveable alphabet and arranges them in the correct sequence. In so doing, discuss the child’s concept of the word, and how this knowledge is critical for reading and writing later on.

A description of the material in itself, eg a box with compartments filled with letters, vowels in blue and consonants in red, is not enough. You are not writing a product cataloque.

Neither is it advisable to list out the presentation steps, and the purposes of the activity. You are not asked for a lesson plan.