On my recent trip to Johor Bahru, I had the opportunity to visit Alpine Preschool. For parents and educators seeking a holistic approach to early childhood education, Alpine Preschool offers a refreshing blend of nature-based activities, risky play, and farming opportunities that nurture the whole child, which is very much welcomed in a world that is increasingly digital and detached from nature.

A Sanctuary for Outdoor Learning

Alpine Preschool has transformed its grounds into a vibrant outdoor classroom, where children are encouraged to explore, play, and learn in an environment that fosters curiosity and creativity, critical skills very much needed in our ever-changing world, today and tomorrow. The preschool’s philosophy is rooted in the belief that nature is the best teacher, and this is evident in their well-designed outdoor spaces – dynamic learning environments where every tree and trail serves as a learning tool, each carefully selected with a specific purpose. The low coconut trees for example ward off mosquitoes. Centre Director Mr Yeo Teck Wei consulted many experts to ensure that the setup underscores the preschool’s commitment to providing a nurturing and enriching space where children can connect with nature to grow, learn, and thrive. Alpine Preschool seamlessly integrates safety, functionality, and aesthetics, thoughtfully designed to cater to the developmental needs of young children.

Embracing Risky Play

In today’s highly sanitized and safety-conscious world, Alpine Preschool’s approach to risky play is bold and necessary. Risky play involves activities that allow children to test their limits, learn about risk assessment, and build resilience. At Alpine, children climb, balance, and engage in supervised activities that might seem daunting at first glance. This type of play is crucial for developing physical coordination, self-confidence, and problem-solving skills. By embracing risky play, Alpine Preschool helps children understand their boundaries and develop a healthy respect for safety without instilling fear.

Hands-on Farming Opportunities

One of the standout features of Alpine Preschool is its integration of farming into the curriculum. The school has dedicated plots where children can engage in hands-on farming activities, learning about the cycles of nature, responsibility, and the origins of their food. This practical experience is invaluable; it instills a sense of stewardship for the environment and teaches children the importance of sustainability. The farming program also enhances sensory experiences, fine motor skills, and provides a tangible connection to the natural world. The centre is still considering the most suitable animals to include on their farm.

Thoughtfully Designed Classrooms

Attention has also been given to the design of the indoor classrooms, which are spacious and bathed in natural light, creating a bright and inviting atmosphere. The flexible layout allows teachers to reconfigure spaces based on planned activities. Large windows enable us to look into the classrooms and allow the children to look outside. These windows are not one-way, as the Center believes that the children will be engaged in their learning and will not be distracted by observers peeking in to witness their learning moments.

Bridging Theory and Practice

For early childhood education students at SEGi College, Alpine Preschool serves as an invaluable resource and source of inspiration, showcasing the profound impact of innovative and nature-based learning environments. SEGi College eagerly anticipates our collaboration with the Centre, allowing our Johor-based students to gain firsthand experience in risky play and resilience, a key module in our Diploma in Early Childhood. Additionally, our second-year degree students will have opportunities to support outdoor play, as covered in the BA Early Years Education program offered in partnership with the University of Greenwich. This hands-on approach will enhance the students’ learning experience, inspiring them to become more effective and creative educators. We are confident that they will receive excellent support and mentorship from Principal Erica Lee, one of our distinguished graduates.

Vesak Day, a sacred occasion that marks the birth, enlightenment, and death of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, offers an opportunity for reflection, renewal, and growth. For early years practitioners, the lessons of Vesak Day can be particularly poignant, resonating deeply with our core values of empathy, continuous learning, and community building. The spirit of Vesak Day encourages individuals to look beyond our own lives and consider the broader impact of our actions on the community and the world.

Photo by Ilo Frey on Pexels.com

For early years practitioners, the values celebrated on Vesak Day align closely with the principles of early childhood education. Compassion, patience and a commitment to nurturing young minds are at the heart of our profession. Vesak Day reminds us to integrate these values into everyday practice, fostering a nurturing and inclusive environment for children.

Just as Vesak Day brings communities together, networking is also critical for early childhood professionals, creating a supportive community of practice involving various stakeholders from multiple agencies. Networking is about building relationships, sharing knowledge, and supporting one another’s growth. For early years practitioners, networking provides a platform to share experiences, discuss challenges, and celebrate successes. Engaging with a network of like-minded professionals can lead to new insights, innovative teaching strategies, and a deeper understanding of early childhood education. Through these connections we can collectively elevate the standards of our profession, ensuring that we provide the best possible care and education that our children deserve.

The Buddha’s journey to enlightenment was marked by continuous learning and self-improvement. Similarly, early years practitioners must also commit to ongoing professional development. This commitment ensures that we remain knowledgeable about the latest research, educational theories, and note-worthy practices in early childhood education. Continuous professional development can take many forms, from formal training sessions and workshops to informal learning opportunities like reading professional journals or participating in online forums. The key is to remain open to learning and to actively seek out growth opportunities. This dedication to self-improvement not only enhances our own skills but also positively impacts the children in our care.

This Vesak Day, let’s rekindle the spirit of growth and community by embracing three core principles:

  • Foster Compassion: Cultivate a nurturing and empathetic environment for the children we care for.
  • Build Community: Strengthen our network and form supportive professional relationships.
  • Commit to Growth: Pursue continuous professional development and embrace lifelong learning.

In alignment with our dedication to excellence in early childhood education, SEGi College Subang Jaya invites you to our Alumni CPD Day on Saturday, June 22, 2024, at 2 PM. Join us to reconnect with former coursemates, support each other, and let’s shape a brighter, more compassionate future for our children. It’s also a great opportunity to visit us at the new Campus at Edu-Metro.

Mark your calendar and book your seat today. Register for the ECE Alumni CPD Day at: https://shorturl.at/Zrw5m Our panel of speakers will explore effective communication and relationship building among others.

In the heart of February 2024, a unique convergence of traditions unfolds, weaving together threads of love, renewal, and cultural heritage. Today as we celebrate St. Valentine’s Day, Ash Wednesday, and the 5th day of the Lunar New Year of the Dragon, this beautiful tapestry of traditions offers an invaluable opportunity for early childhood practitioners to foster a spirit of inclusivity and an appreciation for diversity within their classrooms.

In the embrace of diversity, we find beauty in the kaleidoscope of celebrations that enrich our lives. St. Valentine’s Day, a day of love and affection, transcends borders, inviting us to cherish the connections that bind us together. It’s a reminder to extend kindness and compassion to all, regardless of backgrounds or beliefs. Let our early childhood classrooms be learning environments where every child feels valued and loved, where gestures of friendship and empathy blossom like the first buds of spring that the lunar new year celebrates. Encourage children to create cards and messages of appreciation for friends, family, and even their favorite classroom objects. Discuss different forms of love and affection, fostering empathy and inclusivity.

Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels.com

Ash Wednesday marks for Christians the beginning of Lent, a period of reflection and renewal. As ashes are placed upon foreheads, symbolizing mortality and repentance, it serves as a poignant reminder of our shared humanity. Engage the young children to create art with ashes, using them to represent letting go of negative thoughts or habits and embracing positive change. Let us also teach our young ones the importance of introspection and forgiveness, nurturing their understanding of diverse spiritual practices and encouraging respect for each other’s beliefs.

Meanwhile, the Lunar New Year of the Dragon heralds new beginnings, coinciding with the arrival of spring in many parts of the world. The Dragon in the Lunar New Year embodies strength, the power of resilience, and the potential for transformation. Just as the dragon soars through the skies, let us empower our children to dream big, embrace their uniqueness, and celebrate the rich tapestry of cultures that make up our global community. Use storytelling and creative activities to explore these themes with children. Let them draw dragons, act out dragon-inspired stories, or even create dragon puppets, encouraging them to embrace their own inner strength and potential for growth. Have them plant seeds, observe budding flowers, and celebrate the hope and joy of new life.

In celebrating these diverse traditions, we pave the way for a more inclusive future. Inclusivity is not just about tolerating differences; it’s about actively celebrating them. By using this unique convergence of celebrations as a springboard, early childhood practitioners can create a learning environment that embraces diversity, fosters a sense of belonging, and empowers each child to blossom into their unique and wonderful selves. May each child be seen, heard, and valued. Let us embrace our role as catalysts for change, nurturing empathy and understanding. May we find joy in the richness of our differences and strength in our shared humanity.

Happy celebrating!

Today I read about the Finnish “kuksa”, a humble yet beautiful traditional mug carved out of the burl of a birch tree. It is said that the mug, when made properly can last a lifetime. The kuksa made me think of Finnish early childhood education. With its quality, its benefits too can and should last a lifetime. This is why at SEGi we choose to incorporate within our diploma in early childhood the heart of Finnish early childhood education, where respect for nature, exploration, and play form the foundation for lifelong learning.

At SEGi we embrace the key principles of Finnish early childhood education:

  • Playful Learning: We believe in a curriculum that lets children learn through hands-on exploration, imaginative play, and connection with the natural world. Think mud pies, block creations, and storytelling under the stars.
  • Holistic Development: Structured academics are introduced gently, prioritizing social-emotional well-being, physical health, creativity, and a love for learning.  Every moment is an opportunity to grow and thrive.
  • Partnerships with Families and Communities: Involvement of stakeholders in crucial decision making is essential for developing confident, resilient individuals.
Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels.com

    The key to Finnish education is qualified educators who are trained in the latest research and Finnish best practices. Our graduates must be guides, mentors, and playmates who create a safe and supportive environment for young minds to blossom. Just like the kuksa, passed down through generations, we believe in building a strong foundation for lifelong learning and a love for the world around us.

    Contact us to find out more about the HEI Schools Teacher Diploma offered at SEGi.

    Amirah Nafissa Bahari Binti Mohd Amir Sharil Bahari, one of the recent HEI Schools Teacher Diploma graduates


    Here is an exciting event to kick-start 2024!

    Following the exhilarating first round in November 2023, which left us eagerly anticipating more, we are thrilled to announce that Hankidz (www.hankidz.com) has graciously committed to hosting another round of the transformative and inspiring Hankidz Edupreneur Business Simulation Game workshop.

    📚 Discover your Edupreneur Mindset: For two days, immerse yourself in the world of educational entrepreneurship. Learn the essential principles that underpin successful education businesses. Uncover the unique mindset required to navigate this dynamic industry and make a lasting impact.

    🌐 Explore the Edupreneur Ecosystem: Delve into the intricate web of edupreneurship. From crafting a comprehensive business plan to devising effective marketing strategies and mastering the art of financial management, you’ll gain a holistic understanding of the education business landscape.

    🚀 Put Theory into Practice: The culmination of your learning journey arrives on Day 2 as you step into the shoes of an edupreneur. Put your newfound knowledge into action in a stimulating business simulation. Face the challenges of the education industry head-on, make critical decisions, and witness the impact of your choices in real time.

    This workshop is designed for you : 

    • Aspiring edupreneurs eager to embark on their educational business journey.
    • Current educators looking to expand and improve their education-focused ventures.
    • Professionals seeking to enter or enhance their roles within the education industry.

    Join us for the Two Days of Transformation: This event is a unique opportunity to invest in your educational entrepreneurship skills. By the end of the workshop, you’ll have the tools and experience needed to thrive in the edupreneurial world.

    🗓️ Event Details:

    Date: 20 & 21st January 2024
    Time: 10am – 6pm
    Location: SEGi Subang Jaya, Room 9.1

    🌐 How to Register: Secure your spot now : https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/edupreneur-business-simulation-game-tickets-772747547717. Hurry, as seats are limited!

    🌈 Together, let’s create a brighter future for early childhood education! 🌈